Two Bags of Flour….

…and a little more. Today was a little mile stone. I am into the double digits. That’s right, 11 pounds and counting. Down to 354 pounds. I used to be embarrassed to tell people my weight, my drivers and pilots license both say 320 pounds, not very honest, but it worked. I always carried my weight well, people always guessed low, or maybe they were just being nice.

This morning getting on the scale felt good. Eleven pounds is an achievement, in four weeks. I like this progress. In weight watchers they use lots of tools to help you loose weight. One of those is to take your weight loss and make it tangible. So, eleven pounds is two five pound bags of flour, plus a little one pounder. That’s a lot of flour, a.k.a. fat cells. Begone, yee fat cells. I do notice that some stuff is starting to fit better. For instance, on Saturdays I usually head to the train park to help maintain the park, and get some exercise as well. Getting dressed this morning I realized that the pants I normally wear there were not as tight, as in I didn’t have to suck in my gut to get the button closed. I also noticed that driving the train, I can move around a little better on the trains, my gut is not getting in the way so much. Not a bad way to start the weekend.

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